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How Do Energy Drinks Affect the Brain?
The physical effects of energy drinks are well-documented. People expect to feel a certain way after drinking one. What most people...
Crackin' Open a Cold One: Stay Hydrated With Electrolytes
Electrolytes are important for maintaining proper hydration so your body can function at peak performance. Putting them in an energy...
Crackin' Open a Cold One: Keepin' it Real
Most energy drinks use tons of artificial ingredients, like sweeteners and preservatives, that leave you feeling worse than you did...
Crackin' Open a Cold One: Only the Most Essential of Amino Acids
Essential amino acids are the building blocks to protein and play a huge role in our body's overall health and...
Crackin' Open a Cold One: The Big Three of Potassium, Magnesium, and Zinc
On top of vitamins, minerals are also a major part of a balanced diet. The good news for you is...
Crackin' Open a Cold One: Eat Your Vitamins
You've heard it before, but we'll say it again: eat your vitamins people... or drink them, it doesn't matter. Either...
Crackin' Open a Cold One: Why Our Caffeine is Better
Not all caffeine is the same. Not even close. Learn why Vyper Energy's naturally-sourced caffeine is better than everything else...
Crackin' Open a Cold One: More Than a Caffeine Buzz
Caffeine is the driving force behind energy drinks, but a GOOD energy drink offers more than a quick hit of...